A quick blog post if you don't mind, I know the weather & light is waxing & waning at this time of year. But Syd & I had our first after 5pm walk today, it was lush. I hope you have spacious days like this , some days it's hard to go out at night when it's dark & raining, believe me I know! so if you have been venturing out to class You are doing great.
Reminder No class on Monday 12th Feb as it's half term. But we are back at Ashton Park school on Saturday 17th 10.30am for a full 90 minute body & breath practice . Go to Events to book . Jo 🌺
Peace is the moment without judgement,
This moment in the heart space where
Everything that is
Is welcome.
Call off the search!
Behold the miracle of
Your ordinary life,
The precious gift is Now.
By Dorothy Hunt